Free eBook: How Not to Get Lost and Lonely in Your Husband’s Ministry

Free eBook: How Not to Get Lost and Lonely in Your Husband’s Ministry

I'm excited to tell you about a project I've been working on! This month, The Focused Pastor published How Not to Get Lost and Lonely in Your Husband’s Ministry, a free eBook written for pastors' wives. Grab a copy Read an excerpt Here's a bit from the introduction: “This friend treats me like a normal person,” [...]

Advent for Moms: We Gaze in Wonder at Jesus

Advent for Moms: We Gaze in Wonder at Jesus

God invites us to gaze in wide-eyed wonder at the only one who is worthy of our worship, Jesus Christ our Lord. We don’t have to wait for some future day. We can adore him right now, in the middle of motherhood with all its particular joys and challenges. We worship him for becoming like us and making a way for us to become like him.